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August 27

Today it finally hot me after the high of getting o to school. My dreams have been completely shattered. I always wanted to be a mom who was pushing the stroller to walk O to school. I always thought that was the role I would have in this family. Being an amazing mother to many children. Today, I realized, that I will never have that in my life, at least not to many living children. I feel so worthless. I walk O to and from school. At pick up, she has not much of anything to say to me except to critique the water bottle I gave her for lunch and Spanish was her favorite. When am I going to have an important role again? When am I am going to contribute to the family again? I am sick in this heat, I am exhausted bc of anxiety, I am hopeless bc of covid, and I am terrified to make friends. All the people I walk with do not accept me. I'm such an outsider, not only walking to and from school but also in my house. I was told in the beginning I was not good enough to marry K and now I'
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September 11

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September 10

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